SAMA Entertainment
Celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2019, SAMA Entertainment is a boutique agency that has established itself as one of the premier talent agencies in Las Vegas and across the country. SAMA Entertainment proudly represents a small, selective list of emerging and established performers for Broadway Musicals, Plays, TV, Film, Commercials, and New Media.
SAMA Entertainment is a family; we pride ourselves on being virtuous and loyal to our clients, and have found and grown to expect that they are equally (if not more) loyal to us. We have exceptionally high expectations for our clients, and we make sure that they continue to grow, and keep working and building their careers, never stagnating and always staying relevant.
SAMA Entertainment is made up of musicians, actors, agents, and support staff that are passionate about their craft, persevere through the ups and downs of the business, ​and continue to work for their dreams without letting frustrations outweigh their love of art.